🔧Two solutions for a digital piano stuck on sustain 🎹

First we have a trick and then a Total device bypass!

How to Replace a Digital MIDI Pedal with a USB Alternative

In this article we’ll cover something it’s not covered on the internet (and I personally struggled to achieve this knowledge!!).

Well, you’re stuck on sustain with your digital piano? What to do?
Let’s start with the first solution: a trick.


In this video it’s presented a sequence of action (I skipped all the drama part to get you through the guide instantly!):
1) Unplug the piano power supply
2) Unplug the pedal
3) Plug the piano power supply
4) Turn on the digital piano
5) Plug the pedal

This thing actually worked for a while but it suddenly stop to help me… So I had to come up with another solution: a complete bypass!


The method involves using an intermediary software, which I refer to as “Bome” (it’s ok any other software you’re comfortable with), acting as a bridge between a USB pedal (findable easily on online shops for not too much) and your Virtual Studio Technology (VST) program. In this case, I used Pianoteq, but the choice of software is flexible.

The trick is here: I assume that “ctrl” (or any key you prefer) is the sustain trigger, and the USB pedal pressing is linked to this actions. In other words we have a sustain trigger whenever CTRL (from the keyboard) or the pedal is pressed!

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Understanding the Basics: We begin with the basic premise that pressing the pedal triggers a “key down” action, and releasing it triggers a “key up” action. This is crucial for the MIDI signals we’re dealing with.
  2. Intermediary Software: By employing an intermediary program, we can effectively translate the pedal’s actions into MIDI signals that the computer and VST program can understand. This bypasses the limitations of direct hardware connections.
  3. Practical Demonstration: I demonstrated this with a prepared file, named “B.bmtp”, showing how simple the setup process can be. The goal is to have the pedal’s press and release actions correspond to specific MIDI signals, enabling control over the sustain function in a digital piano setting.
  4. Customization and Flexibility: One of the highlights of this method is its flexibility. You’re not tied to a specific pedal, software, or VST program. The setup allows for a wide range of customizations, depending on your preferences and requirements.

Why Consider This Method?

This approach is not just about fixing a problem. It’s about upgrading your musical setup to be more versatile and adaptable tecnical issues like this! Whether you’re dealing with a faulty pedal or just looking to enhance your digital music experience, this method opens up new possibilities.

My preset file

If you wanna be quick you can download my Bome preset file right here.


While it may seem daunting at first, replacing a digital MIDI pedal with a USB one using an intermediary software is a straightforward process that can significantly improve your musical setup. It’s incredible on how the internet simply does not cover this issue! Hope you find this information useful!

Happy music making!

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